The Hanggliding and Paragliding Flying Club welcomes you
and invites you to enjoy our great flying sites for paragliding and hang gliding: Kandel, Schauinsland and Tuniberg. We hope that you have a wonderful experience flying in the beautiful Black Forest area in the southwest of Germany.
In order to make the most of your flying time here, we kindly ask you to respect the rules and regulations that we abide by.
The DGFC and its members invest a lot of time, energy and passion in order to make flying here in the Black Forest possible. Help us create and warm and friendly atmosphere for us all to enjoy. Thank you.
For our national guests at least a „BSchein“
For our foreign guests a valid IPPI Card Category 5
A valid liability insurance
A briefing about the terrain from a member of the DGFC. Our members are happy to provide you with a detailed briefing, please don’t be shy, and ask one of us.
We ask you to purchase a temporary membership for a small sum for each day that you fly at our sites. This helps us with the up keeping and rent for the grounds, for example. We have an arrangement with our neighbours in France that they’re allowed to use our sites if they are members of the F.F.V.L.
That one of our members agrees to be your patron. Again, don’t be shy and ask one of us. That you have entered your full name, so that we can read it, in our Start Book, which you will find at each of the starting grounds.
The temporary membership,
which currently cost just €5, you help us with funding the cost of renting the start and landing area, as well the up keeping and maintenance. The temporary membership is valid for one day, and that starts when you enter your name in our Start Book. There is no limit as to how many starts that you make. The temporary membership is only valid for one pilot and it isn’t transferable. We also require that tandem passengers purchase a temporary membership. For tandem passengers this membership is also nontransferable. The Cards for temporary membership can be purchased: From the driver of the club bus Some of our club members carry some Guest Cards that you can purchase The BFT petrol station in Waldkirch – Kolnau At the Kandel Alm kiosk at the Kandel West starting area Without a valid Card of temporary membership you are not allowed to fly at our sites. Before you start each time we ask you to enter your name clearly in the start book, together with the name of your patron and the time that you make the entry into the start book. In addition, please write your name, the date and start time as well as you patrons name on the card and sign the card in the check area, tear off the check area and tack it to the collection nail provided in the Start Book box.
Start Book
At each starting ground you are obliged to document your intention to fly by entering the following information in the Start Book:
Your name
What you intend to fly, hang glider or paraglider
Indication that you are a guest
The name of your patron, or Flying Buddy
The number from the Card of temporary membership
For tandem pilots additionally: The name of your passenger and the Card number for the respective passenger
The Start Book for solo pilots is white and for tandem pilots it is yellow.
Piloting of tandem flights as an guest
Only possible for noncommercial flights and under the following specific conditions Tandem flying is a wonderful contribution to make the fascination of our sport accessible for nonpilots. Please be always aware, that as an tandem pilot you will carry a very large degree of responsibility for your passenger. Accidents involving passengers are checked intensively by the executive board. Obvious mistakes, especially with regard to weather and wind conditions and formal defects may be disciplined by the executive board using appropriate measures ( flying restricts ). Non commercial guest tandem pilots can fly with restrictions on our flying sites with passengers. Given prior notification to the executive board is required. With the registration a maximum of a period of 3 consecutive days for the use can be requested, blanket permits are not possible. The permission for use our flying site by the respective tandem pilot is given by the executive board. For each passenger you have to buy your own temporary membership. You have to enter the pilot’s name, the passenger’s name, the date and launching time on each passengers card. Also you have to enter the passengers name and the registtration number of the passengers card in addition to your specifications as the pilot into tandem start book.
In case of accidents:
accidents are not always avoidable and not a shame! Everyone who was involved in an accident on our flying site, has to notify the Commissioner for Aviation Supervision of DGFC immediately:, +49 7666 7875, +49 176 84375543. When emergency services or public authorities were involved, this message is mandatory !! The following information is required: brief description of the accident : date, time, kind of glider, other involved persons, possibly witnesses. name and address of the pilot, phone number. Emergency numbers: 112 Europewide emergency number +49 761 49 33 33 emergency number of the Mountain Rescue Service : you will get contact to the head of operations from the Mountain Rescue Service Black Forest. This number is recommended in accidents without injuries, but the necessary of rescue. +49 7681 9254 Mountain rescue station at the Kandel peak. Only available on weekends! Please always give the following information: Who is calling, what was happened, where (exact location), any injury? Specify your callback number for queries and not just hang up. Please wait for questions of the operator.